Resources for Media Covering Domestic Abuse
We recognize that every minute counts when you are on deadline. In your coverage of domestic abuse issues and incidents, the expertise and resources of CPM and its national network of abuse advocates, can help you report with accuracy and relevancy in a timely manner.
How we can help you...
Obtain comments and data on Domestic Abuse from leading experts across the US.
Provide general information and up-to-date facts, statistics, and graphics Coercive Control and Domestic Abuse
Dispel common myths about Domestic Abuse
Offer background on state and federal domestic violence laws pertaining to protection orders, coercive control, probable cause arrest, firearms, child custody, stalking
Identify resources for people seeking help with addressing coercive control in their lives and how they can access Jennifers' Law to implement in their own family court case.
For more information contact:
Betsy Keller
Founder & Director of Communications